Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Heart Disease and CoEnzyme Q-10

Heart Disease and CoEnzyme Q-10
Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for men and women in the United States over age 85 – and the second cause of death for Americans under 85. But a new study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found two ways to help your heart.

In addition to regular medical care, the study found that exercise and stress management helped people with stable heart disease improve not only their heart health, but their emotional state of mind. This is important since depression and emotional distress are tied to increased risks for heart disease patients. Though more research is needed to confirm the results of the small study, researchers are excited about the results. Exercise and stress reduction both appeared to help improve blood flow through arteries and may improve the heart's ability to pump blood.

You don't need to run a marathon for your heart to benefit. Try running a few errands instead, but park at the back of the parking lot. Or, wear good walking shoes and window shop your way around the mall as many times as you comfortably can. By starting small and enjoying yourself, it will be easier to work up to those bigger goals…maybe even a marathon! Just make sure you are doing something every day for at least thirty minutes. As your fitness level improves, you can take on more challenges. If you aren't dealing with emotional stress, your body will pick up the slack and this can lead to problems. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, angry, or upset, your body is begging you to deal with the problem and your emotions. Learn what ways work best for you to vent emotions and do these things every day. If you're not sure why you feel so stressed, or are having trouble dealing with all of life's stresses, ask your physician about Emotional Health Coaching.

You and your heart are worth it. Help improve your circulation with TriVita's CoEnzyme Q-10. To learn more about this product, click here.

Shauna Link
TriVita Affiliate ID 13229094

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